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Openbox#KDE 5
X window system
Desktop environment
Window manager

In early 2013, Hong Jen Yee "PCMan" started porting LXDE components to Qt. The first preview of LXDE-Qt was released on July 3rd, 2013. On July 21st, it was announced that Razor-qt (a desktop similar in design to LXDE) and LXDE were merging.

The result is LXQt, a desktop built on Qt which partly uses Razor-qt and LXDE components. While development is mainly focused on LXQt, the GTK+ 2 version of LXDE will see continued development.

1 Installation

Make sure you have a working display manager installed (e.g. xorg-server).

Install the lxqt group and an icon theme (e.g. breeze-icons or oxygen-icons).

For additional functionality, you may wish to install the following:

https://wiki.gnome.org/Projects/NetworkManager || networkmanager networkmanager-qt network-manager-applet
  • SDDM — The recommended display manager for LXQt.
https://github.com/sddm/sddm || sddm
  • A screen locker, if needed. For example, slock or xscreensaver. Both are confirmed to integrate with LXQt, others may too. If you want to disable screen locking upon suspend/sleep it is under "LXQT Session Settings/Lock screen before suspending".
  • Some LXQt panel plugins require extra packages to function, check the optional dependencies for lxqt-panel.

2 Starting the desktop

2.1 Using xinit

Append the following line to Xinitrc:

exec startlxqt

2.2 Graphical login

Choose LXQt Desktop from the menu in a display manager of choice.

3 Configuration

LXQt in general tries to provide GUI applications to change its settings. Configuration files are in ~/.config/lxqt. This directory is initialized automatically. The default configuration for new users is found in /etc/xdg/lxqt.

3.1 Replace Openbox

While Openbox is the default window manager for LXQt, you can specify a different window manager to use with LXQt via Session Settings, lxqt-config-session; or by editing ~/.config/lxqt/session.conf. Change the following line:


to a window manager of choice:


3.2 Autostarting applications

To have X applications start on login, click the main menu from the LXQt -> Preferences -> LXQt Settings -> Session Settings. Alternatively, this can be launched with:


From this window, click on "AutoStart" on the left side. Here you can add a new application to either the global autostart (launched in all sessions implementing the said specification) or your local autostart (labled LXQt Autostart) (See issue 746 for a bug related to this option).

For each item you add, lxqt-config-session will create a .desktop-file at ~/.config/autostart. Preinstalled applications that will be automatically started at login can be found at /etc/xdg/autostart. So you can also change your autostart preferences by editing the files in these directories. Besides, the distinction between "Global Autostart" and "LXQt Autostart" does not depend on the directory in which the corresponding .desktop-file is located, but rather on the OnlyShowIn-setting. If it is OnlyShowIn=true, it is considered an "LXQt Autostart". Furthermore, if X-LXQt-Module=true, the item is not shown in lxqt-config-session.

3.3 Set-up environment variables

Environment variables for LXQt session can be defined in Session Settings.

3.4 Editing the Application Menu

It is possible to edit menu entries by editing their .desktop files stored in /usr/share/applications/lxqt-*.desktop files. See Desktop entries.

4 Troubleshooting

4.1 Desktop icons are grouped together

When moving icons on the desktop it is possible to place them a bit too close to each other making them connected. If unable to separate them Stop Desktop from Session Settings, remove .config/pcmanfm-qt/lxqt/desktop-items-0.conf and Start Desktop again.

5 Tips and tricks

5.1 Customizing Leave

One can customize the options available under "Leave" simply by copying the respective package provide .desktop file to ~/.local/share/applications and modifying it to contain the NoDisplay=true directive. Reference: #876.

Complete list of files to consider masking include:


Example: remove hibernate option.

$ mkdir -p ~/.local/share/applications
$ sed '/OnlyShowIn/aNoDisplay=true' </usr/share/applications/lxqt-hibernate.desktop >~/.local/share/applications/lxqt-hibernate.desktop

5.2 Tap-to-Click for Touchpads

Note: You will need Sudo or root access to follow these instructions

LXQt by default uses libinput for managing input devices such as touchpads. Settings for all libinput devices is stored in a configuration file, in my case it was:


To enable Tap-to-Click for touchpads of all users simply enable the "Tapping" option in an appropriate input class after the libinput driver is called. For example, my touchpad input class looks like this:

Section "InputClass"
       Identifier "libinput touchpad catchall"
       MatchIsTouchpad "on"
       MatchDevicePath "/dev/input/event*"
       Driver "libinput"
       Option "Tapping"

For more information on how libinput works please consult:

man libinput

6 See also

7 Acknowledgement

This wiki article is based on ArchWiki. We may have removed non-FSDG bits from it.