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Note: This article is incomplete and out of date.

Libremakepkg is an script which:

  1. Checks nonfree depends on PKGBUILD
  2. Bind mount ${SRCDEST} ${PKGDEST} ${SRCPKGDEST} ${WORKDIR}, and optionally copy etc/makepkg.conf etc/pacman.conf etc/mtab to the chroot (This steps is called buildenv in the script)
  3. Updates the chroot where you are building (option -u)
  4. Cleans the chroot so no package is configured automatically as an depends (option -c) and
  5. Finally it uses makechrootpkg to build the package.

The package will be put on ${PKGDEST}.

Note: $SRCDEST, PKGDEST, and SRCPKGDEST are set up on /etc/makepkg.conf

1 Usage

Note: Before using libremakepkg you will need to setup /etc/libretools.conf first. Follow instructions at the Package maintainer guide
Warning: libremakepkg from [libre] won't be functional if you haven't installed devtools. If you have the version from [libre-testing], devtools in unnecessary (and actually conflicts).
 # pacman -Sy devtools

1.1 Which are libremakepkg options?

Libremakepkg will always have an updated list of options which can be listed using:

$ libremakepkg -h

1.2 Building with libremakepkg

For building with libremakepkg you should cd to the dir where the PKGBUILD is and run

 $ cd /dir/with/PKGBUILD
 # libremakepkg [options] 

If no option is passed to libremakepkg it will buildenv and build the package without updating or cleaning. This is useful if a previous build failed and you changed the PKGBUILD so that it will work this time.

2 Why Buildenv?

buildenv is meant for fullpkg to be able to add packages to a local repo and install them too.

buildenv is no longer necessary with the version in [libre-testing].

3 How is the cleaning done?

makechrootpkg has a cleaning option which rsync from a "root" chroot to a "copy" chroot and uses the "copy" chroot to build. When we were working at the mips port we created a script that tracks dependencies and builds them (fullpkg). We found out that rsync cleaning was slow and ineficient. So we designed a new cleaning method that uses pacman and a list of packages in a clean system.

The cleaning method in libremakepkg:

  1. copy the list of packages to the chroot (/etc/libretools.d/cleansystem
  2. uses comm to compare packages installed on the system and in "cleansystem"
  3. removes all packages not in "cleansystem".

4 I'm having problems with libremakepkg

Report an issue to the bug tracker. Use [libretools] at the beggining of the title for the issue.